Published on Rhodes College: Rhodes Handbook (

VIII. Anonymous and Confidential Reporting

An individual can make an anonymous report of a violation of the College’s Title IX Policy but if the anonymous reporter does not provide sufficient information for Rhodes to offer supportive measures or conduct an investigation, the College may request the reporter to provide more information. If the reporter declines to do so, and the Title IX Coordinator reasonably determines that Rhodes cannot, through the exercise of reasonable diligence, take meaningful action in response to an anonymous report, the matter will be closed. The anonymous reporting form can be found on the College’s website ( The Title IX Coordinator will receive the anonymous report and will determine any appropriate steps, including individual or community remedies, as appropriate.

Additionally, a person can make a report requesting confidentiality. In such instances, the Title IX Coordinator must weigh the request for confidentiality against the College’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students and employees, the effect of confidentiality on Rhodes’ ability to provide supportive measures or properly investigate and resolve a report of sexual harassment, and the respective rights and obligations of the parties to a Title IX matter.

In any instance where Rhodes determines it must deny or modify a request for confidentiality, the Title IX Coordinator will inform the requesting individual prior to making the disclosure to anyone beyond necessary College officials. Any such disclosure will be limited to individuals with a need to know the information. Consistent with FERPA’s prohibition on re-disclosure of confidential information, any recipient is prohibited from using or disclosing other people’s confidential information, learned as a result of participation in any investigation or proceeding under this Policy outside of such forums without express consent or for any improper purpose.

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