A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is available at College Employee Handbook.

The Academic Advising Committee

Membership. Four faculty members (preferably one elected by each of the four curriculum divisions, serving 3-year terms. Two of the faculty members must be tenured, and junior faculty are not eligible to serve as chair); ex officio: the Dean of Students for Student Success (voting); the Director of New Student Programs (non-voting); the Registrar (non-voting); Director of Academic and Learning Resources to the committee (voting); an additional faculty member who has just completed his/her first year of advising first-year students will be invited by the committee to serve one year on the committee (non-voting). Student feedback from Rhodes Student Government will be invited in specific instances.


  • Oversee the academic advising program and work to promote an effective advising system
  • Develop and oversee programs and workshops for the ongoing development of advisers and advisees, including:
  • Registration workshops
  • New advisor development
  • Continuing advisor development
  • Work to ensure that students are educated on appropriate advising expectations and their role and responsibility in the adviser-advisee relationship
  • Serve as the resource on academic advising for all members of the community
  • Revise and circulate annually the Advising Handbooks for Faculty and Students
  • Develop and recommend guidelines for academic advisers
  • Provide faculty interface with appropriate student services groups
  • Provide guidance concerning the academic components in Open Rhodes and Welcome Week
  • Review faculty petitions for variance from regular first-year advising

Expected Involvement. Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.