A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is available at College Employee Handbook.

The Faculty Committee on Technology and Academic Space


Five faculty members (one from each division, one at-large, at least two tenured); Associate Provost, ex-officio (non-voting); Chief Information Officer, ex-officio (non-voting); Director of Academic Technogies, ex-officio (non voting); Director of Physical Plant, ex-officio (non-voting); Director of Library, ex-officio (non-voting).


  • Address immediate concerns and current problems with academic space and technology for instructional, scholarly, and creative activities.
  • Facilitate long-term planning of technology needs and services for classrooms, lecture halls, and performance spaces.
  • Support faculty technology needs.
  • Review policies and practices regarding the use of technology in instructional, scholarly, and creative spaces.
  • Advise and guide the library regarding instructional, scholarly, and creative resources.
  • Liaise with Information Services, Student Life, and other offices as relevant.