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International Travel With Students

Faculty and Staff Collaboration with Students in International Off-Campus Programs and Rhodes-Sponsored Activities

The safety and welfare of Rhodes students is a foremost concern in the development and implementation of off-campus Rhodes-sponsored programs and activities. There are very tangible rewards in providing curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular international opportunities to our students. There are also very real responsibilities incurred by the College in sponsoring, promoting and implementing them. While we cannot guarantee the health, safety and welfare of our students at all times, whether on or off campus, we can and must take steps to ensure that Rhodes has been diligent in informing them of risks and risk management strategies and in preparing them for the experience upon which they are embarking. Without “due diligence” we are placing the College in a position of potentially serious liability.

Policy for International Travel with Students and Non-Students

All college-sponsored trips to international sites, whether for- or not-for-credit, and whether for Rhodes students or non-students, must be registered with the Buckman Center for International Education before the trip or program is authorized to be announced.

Students must attend pre-departure risk management sessions conducted by the Center and sign a Statement of Responsibility and Assumption of Risk form. Faculty/Staff leading such trips must have training, be familiar with safety and security issues and with crisis protocols. Faculty/Staff must also make arrangements for or conduct country- or site-specific orientations for participants.

Student eligibility for all international travel on Rhodes programs or Rhodes-sponsored activities includes maturity and good academic and social standing.  Those students enrolled in credit-bearing programs must also have, at minimum, a 2.5 cumulative g.p.a. Any exceptions to the eligibility requirements related to academic standing must be approved by the Faculty Standards and Standing Committee.


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