Published on Rhodes College: Rhodes Handbook (

In General

Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability for registered student organizations are delegated along the following line:

  • Officer(s) of Student Organization (President, Chair, etc.)
  • The Office of Student Engagement has the shared authority, responsibility, and oversight for registered student organizations.
  1. What constitutes a registered student organization at Rhodes College?

A registered student organization is defined as a group of college students who unite to promote or celebrate a common interest. While student organizations of the College may include faculty, staff, or community members, the majority of the organization must be Rhodes College students. Additionally, only students are permitted to serve as officers of registered student organizations. A registered organization has completed all necessary paperwork and submitted it to Office of Student Engagement and the Allocations and Student Organization Commission. Groups that are existing organizations must re-register every year and must electronically submit an updated profile, membership roster and constitution and by-laws on Presence.

  1. Benefits of being a Registered Student Organization

All organizations must maintain an active, up to date profile with the Office of Student Engagement on Presence. Failure to register annually will result in denial of privileges or deactivation of organization. Registration as a student organization is a privilege and is not intended to restrict the free association of students in non-registered organizations. Upon registering, student organizations gain several privileges, including the ability to:

  • Reserve space on campus for meetings and approved activities.
  • Conduct approved fundraising projects on campus.
  • Coordinate activities with other student organizations offices and/or departments.
  • Have college mail collected by a student organization leader and the use of a mailing address at Rhodes College.
  • Apply for funding through the Allocations and Student Organizations Commission for all campus projects and programs.
  • Be considered for Campus Life and College awards.
  • Have an Organizational Site on Presence.
  • Have the ability to advertise via flyers and other mechanisms on campus.
  • Participate in the Student Involvement Fair
  • Use of the Rhodes name and trademark. 

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