Published on Rhodes College: Rhodes Handbook (


Student safety is of utmost importance to the College. To encourage Students to make responsible decisions, Rhodes College recognizes the need for amnesty from College sanctions in certain situations. Amnesty under this policy, when granted, excuses a Student, RSO, or AG from College sanctions under the Standards of Conduct. Amnesty is intended to promote action when an emergency situation is present. It is not intended to excuse any student or organization causing the emergency situation or unsafe condition.  The decision to grant amnesty will be determined by the Dean of Students, Director of Community Standards, or their designee, on a case-by-case basis.

Amnesty under this policy is limited to violations of the Standards of Conduct/Honor Code and has no bearing on actions taken by any law enforcement agency, including any Police entity. To qualify for amnesty, a Student, RSO, or AG is encouraged to:  report any incident or medical emergency by contacting the appropriate College officials (i.e. Campus Safety, Residence Life, etc.), remain with any student needing attention or emergency treatment,  This policy does not protect students from violations of other college policies, such as threatening/causing physical harm, sexual assault, harassment, damage to property, etc. After a review of the information and considering of any mitigating factors reported, the College has the discretion to grant or deny amnesty to a student, RSO, or AG. 

The College strives to empower students to make healthy and responsible decisions while exploring opportunities to learn. A student, RSO, or AG may not use the Amnesty policy repeatedly as a means to circumvent accountability medically or non-medically.   

Medical Amnesty

The College recognizes the need for emergency response amnesty (“Medical Amnesty”) in certain alcohol, drug, physical, and emotional distress related emergencies and situations. Medical Amnesty may be available in the following situations:

  • Student seeking medical attention for  themselves
  • Student seeking medical attention on behalf of another Student
  • an RSO or AG seeking medical attention for a Student

Medical Amnesty will not be granted for other policy violations (outside of alcohol and drug related violations) that may have occurred during the incident. In order to qualify for Medical Amnesty, the Student, RSO, or AG must comply with College requests for an educational conversation, assessment, and any potential referrals for additional services or treatment and/or outcomes to address the behavior.

Non-Medical Amnesty

The College recognizes the need for amnesty in certain behavioral situations which do not require immediate emergency medical response (“Non-Medical Amnesty”). In order to qualify for Non-Medical Amnesty, the Student, RSO, and/or AG must notify the College of the specific concerns in advance of the College having knowledge of the incident for which Non-Medical Amnesty is sought. In order to qualify for Non-Medical Amnesty, the Student, RSO, or AG must agree to comply with appropriate educational outcomes to address the behavior.

  • Non-Medical Amnesty may be available to a Student, RSO, or AG who proactively seeks clarification of College rules prior to engaging in questionable conduct.

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