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Honor Council Constitution

Student academic conduct at Rhodes is governed by the Honor System, and misconduct is judged according to the Honor Code. This section discusses the process for adjudicating Honor Code violations by the student-run Honor Council, whose members are selected by the student body. 

The Honor System, perpetuated by the students of Rhodes College, was one of the institutions brought to Memphis, Tennessee when the College moved there in 1925. Throughout its history, the College has emphasized a true spirit of honor and integrity, by means of the Honor System’s governing document—the Honor Code—and its governing body—the Honor Council. Though it has since been revised over the years, the Honor Code’s underlying tenets of honor and trust remain unchanged. The Honor Council, then, represents both the steadfast tradition of the Honor Code and the ever-changing nature of Rhodes College.

The Honor System at Rhodes is a tradition, an inheritance, and an opportunity all in one. It is a tradition because it is and has been a valued possession of Rhodes students since the early days of the College. It is an inheritance because each entering class receives it from the previous class as a gift to be cherished and respected. Above all, it is an opportunity because it allows the fullest possible expression of individual life in harmony with community life.

Within the Honor System, Rhodes students have found a moral ideal by which to guide their actions. This ideal is absolute honesty to oneself and to others in all aspects of life. It is not only a guide for college life; it is also a principle that guides one’s ethical life after leaving Rhodes College. The objective of the Honor System is the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of the individual student. It demonstrates the important union between freedom and responsibility. To demonstrate their commitment to this ideal, Rhodes College Students take the following pledge: “As a member of the Rhodes Community, I pledge I will not lie, cheat, or steal, and that I will report any such violation that I may witness.”

Students are personally responsible for their work, their actions, and their word. Because these actions take place in a larger community, students have a responsibility to that community. Students must protect their freedom by encouraging adherence to the Honor Code and by reporting any violations of which they are aware. In order to preserve an atmosphere of honor and trust at Rhodes, it is necessary for the Honor Council to act upon any cases of dishonesty in connection with academic or campus life. All members of the Rhodes community must fulfill their responsibilities to the Honor System. This process of cooperation is vital to the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of Rhodes College.

For these reasons, the Honor Council is composed of, by, and for the students of Rhodes College, that they may honor one another and the larger community to which they belong.  The Honor Council is chosen and governed by the Honor Council Constitution, which also houses the Honor Code.

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Article I—Purpose and Definitions

SECTION 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Honor Council shall be to foster a spirit of honor at Rhodes College, and to act upon cases of cheating, stealing, or lying in official matters, or the failure on the part of students to report such violations in connection with academic work or campus life.

The Honor Council’s role at Rhodes College is to maintain a system which is symbolic of the perpetual commitment of this institution to the values of truth and honesty. The Honor Council recognizes that the Honor System is more than a guide to campus life; it is a guide to ethical life, both during and after college.

SECTION 2. Definitions

  1. The term “student” includes any person admitted to Rhodes College or enrolled or scheduled to be enrolled in a course for academic credit through Rhodes, both full-time and part-time, pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but have a continuing relationship with Rhodes College are considered “students.”
  2. The term “faculty member” means  a person who teaches a course offered for academic credit by an institution of higher education, including teaching assistants, instructors, lab assistants, research assistants, lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors.
  3. The term “Rhodes College official” includes any person employed by Rhodes College, performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities. Rhodes College officials include, without limitation, administrators, faculty, and campus safety officers; and resident assistants, Honor Council members and Community Standards Council members when acting in an official capacity.
  4. The term "member of the Rhodes College community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, Rhodes College official, or any other person employed by Rhodes College. A person’s status in a particular situation shall be determined by the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council upon consultation with the Honor Council President.
  5. The term “Rhodes College premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, or controlled by the College (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).
  6. The term “organization (or Registered Student Organization)” means any group of persons who have fulfilled the formal requirements for Rhodes College recognition.
  7. The term “Honor Council” means the governing body of students elected by the student body of Rhodes College or, in the case of a mid-year vacancy, selected by the council by application to implement and interpret the Honor Code, including, without limitation, determining whether or not a student has violated the Honor Code and to impose outcomes.
  8. The term “pledge” refers to the statement: “As a member of the Rhodes College community, I pledge my full and steadfast support to the Honor System and agree neither to lie, cheat, nor steal, and to report any such violation that I may witness.” Although this pledge may not be written explicitly on a particular assignment, it is implicit in every assignment or activity completed at Rhodes College, as the initial Honor Code signing before the beginning of the student’s first year at Rhodes binds him or her to the Honor System.
  9. The term “Faculty Appeals Committee” means the group of faculty members authorized by Rhodes College to consider an appeal of the Honor Council’s decision that a student has violated the Honor Code or an appeal of the outcome imposed on a student by the Honor Council.
  10. The term “OCS Administrator for the Honor Council” means the person designated by the administration of Rhodes College to serve as a liaison from the Honor Council to the administration and to consult with the Honor Council President concerning matters of Honor Council business. The OCS Administrator shall not attend or participate in Honor Council hearings.
  11. The term “Eligible Voting Member” means a council member serving as a class representative, and who is not serving a special role (including but not limited to investigator, advisor, acting secretary, etc.) during the hearing. 
  12. The term “shall” is used in the imperative sense.
  13. The term “may” is used in the permissive sense.
  14. The term “Honor Code” refers to the rules regarding proscribed conduct set forth in Article III of the Honor Council Constitution.
  15. The term “Advisor” refers to a member of the Council who has been selected by/for the Respondent. The President of the Honor Council shall not act as an Advisor in any case.  The Advisor’s role is limited to informing the Respondent of Honor Council procedures and answering any questions about those procedures. The Advisor is foremost a member of the Honor Council and does not represent the .respondent
  16. The term “Respondent (or Charged Student)” refers to a Student (also referred to as a Charged Student) who has received notice of allegations detailing a potential violation of the Honor Code.
  17. The term “Complainant (or Reporting Party)” refers to Respondent An individual who submits a report or referral against a Student alleging misconduct under the Honor Code.
  18. The term “Witness” refers to  A person who has knowledge of facts or circumstances pertaining to an alleged violation.
  19. The term “Investigator” refers to the member of the Honor Council designated by the President to investigate a reported Honor Code violation and present evidence to the Council of such investigation.  An Investigator may be present at  Honor Council deliberations on a matter for which they did the investigation in order to clarify facts, but may not deliberate or vote on that matter.
  20. The term “source” refers to, without limitation, class textbooks, other books, journals, newspapers, magazines, information obtained electronically, and other persons’ work.
  21. The term “documentary evidence” refers to emails, texts, social media, images, or other documents, whether in hard-copy or electronic format, presented to the Honor Council to determine the outcome of a hearing. 

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Article II—Honor Council Authority

SECTION 1. Membership

The Honor Council shall consist of four members each from the senior, junior, sophomore, and first-year classes; the President; the Vice President; and two Secretaries. 

SECTION 2. Elections

The President and Vice President shall be elected by a majority vote of the Honor Council members in the spring semester, prior to the election of class representatives. The meeting during which the election is held shall be presided over by the OCS Administrator of the Honor Council or designee.  To be eligible for the office of President or Vice President, a candidate must have at least one year of experience as a member of the Honor Council. The rising senior, junior, and sophomore representatives of the Honor Council shall be elected by the members of their class in the spring semester of each year. Four (4) first-year student representatives shall be elected by their class as soon as possible after the opening of the fall semester of each year. They shall be installed immediately and shall serve until the installation of a new Council in the spring. Representative positions of the Honor Council are open to any member of the student body in good academic and social standing.

SECTION 3. Officers

The officers of the Honor Council are the President, the Vice President, and two Secretaries.

SECTION 4. President

The President shall decide questions of procedure and interpretations arising under the Constitution, execute decisions of the Council, and represent the Council to the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council. The President’s role in all hearings and deliberations shall be one of impartial participation, and the President shall not vote.

SECTION 5. Vice President

The Vice President shall act in the capacity of President in the absence of the President. Unless acting as President, the Vice President shall be a voting member of the Council. In addition, the Vice President shall preside over business meetings and have authority over committees. The Vice President shall also serve as a liaison between the Council and the Rhodes community.  These duties shall include, but are not limited to, programming and community engagement.  The Vice President may serve as a voting member of the Pre-Hearing Committee in the absence of a Secretary.

SECTION 6. Secretaries

The two Secretaries, Recording and Corresponding, shall be appointed by the President from the general student body and shall be confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the incoming Council. The Secretaries shall serve on the pre-hearing committee in order to determine if an alleged violation should be taken to a hearing. In addition, the Recording Secretary shall keep records of hearings and meetings, and the Corresponding Secretary may (in the discretion of the President) handle the Council’s official communication to the Respondent, Complainant, Witness(es), and Rhodes College administration. The two Secretaries shall not participate in questioning or deliberation and shall not vote during the hearing.

SECTION 7. Transition

The outgoing members of the Council shall continue to exercise the full responsibilities of membership until the incoming Council is installed. In the case that a member of the senior class is brought before the Council after installation, outgoing senior members shall remain as voting members on the Council for that hearing only. Installation includes educational training and participation in a transition pre-hearing and hearing, both of which are mandatory. During the transition pre-hearing and hearing, new members may participate in questioning and deliberations but shall not vote.

SECTION 8. Vacancies

  1. Vacancies in the Honor Council shall be filled immediately in an election by the student body, and the new member(s) shall serve until the end of the scheduled term. In the case that a position cannot be filled through an election by the student body, the Honor Council has the authority to fill that vacancy. The procedure for filling a vacancy is as follows:
    1. The Council shall announce the vacancy and accept applications from those interested students who are eligible for the position.
    2. The Council shall review the applications.
    3. The Council shall choose a student to fill the vacancy by a majority vote of eligible voting members in a business meeting.
  2. In the event that an elected Honor Council representative is unable to fulfill their duties for one full semester or more, the position will be filled by an interim member. The procedure to fill an interim position is the same as for any vacancy. See Section 8.1 (i-iii). The interim position will serve for a period of time subjectively defined by the President and Vice President.

SECTION 9. Removal from the Council

Any member of the Honor Council may be removed from their position by a three-fourths vote of the eligible voting members of the Council. Conditions warranting removal may include, without limitation, any unexcused absence for a hearing or meeting, violation of the Honor Code or Standards of Conduct, violation of the Oath of Privacy, Standards of the Rhodes Community, or non-support of the procedural operations of the Council. An expressed lack of belief in the Honor System of Rhodes College, or nonsupport of the procedural operations of the Council. Removal may be sought by any member of the Honor Council or the OCS Administrator. A hearing will be held at which the person seeking removal will be heard as well as the Council Member whose removal is sought. The Council may hear other witnesses or consider other evidence as determined by the Honor Council President in consultation with the OCS Administrator. The Council member in question and, if applicable, the Council Member seeking removal, may not vote in this matter.

SECTION 10. Hearing Schedule

Ordinarily hearings will be conducted during the semester in which the alleged violation occurs. In the event that convening a hearing prior to the end of the semester is difficult or impossible, the President, after consulting the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council, may exercise one of the following options:

  1. The President may schedule a hearing prior to the start of the next academic session. This includes scheduling a hearing during the academic break when classes are not in session. 
  2. In the event it is difficult or impossible to convene an Honor Council comprised of no less than 4 of the eligible voting members of the Council, or upon occurrence of other extenuating circumstances, a case may be transferred to the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council (or their designee) for adjudication, upon consultation with the Honor Council President. 
  3. Cases may be scheduled for a hearing in the following semester at the discretion of the President in consultation with the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council. 

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Article III—Honor Code

SECTION 1. Jurisdiction of Rhodes College

Students may be sanctioned for conduct which constitutes a hazard to the health, safety, or well-being of members of the College community or which is detrimental to the College’s interest, whether such conduct occurs on campus, off campus, or at College-sponsored events. The OCS Administrator or their designee, upon consultation with the Honor Council President, shall determine whether cases are within the jurisdiction of Rhodes College Honor Council.

SECTION 2. Violations

The following conduct is considered a violation of the Honor Code:

  1. Lying in Official Matters and/or Dishonest Conduct.   The term “lying” in official matters or “dishonest conduct” is defined as:
  • Making an untrue or deceptive statement; 
  • Making a material omission, or conveying a false impression, with the intent to mislead a Rhodes College official in an official matter; or falsifying, altering, or misusing official material with the intent to mislead a Rhodes College official in an official matter. Official matters and material include, without limitation, matters having to do with course work, college administration, faculty, residence hall administration, Campus Safety, Honor Council, or Community Standards Council. If an respondent student has lied in an Honor Council hearing, the Council may use the lie as evidence relating to the Respondent to the Honor System when determining a outcome. 
  • Misuse or falsification of any state, federal, or University documents, forms, records, identification cards, or funds by actions such as forgery, alteration, or improper transfer;
  • Possession of a false identification card or possession of another’s identification card.
  1. Cheating. The term “cheating” is defined as the attempt or act of giving or receiving unauthorized aid from any source on academic coursework.   Cheating includes plagiarism. Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, words, or statements of another person without appropriate acknowledgment. A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge an indebtedness whenever the student does any of the following:
  • Quotes another person's actual words, either oral or written.
  • Paraphrases another person's actual words, either oral or written.
  • Uses another person's idea, opinion, or theory.
  • Borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material unless the information is common knowledge. 
  • It is the student’s responsibility to consult the professor, an Honor Council member, or writing handbooks for procedure for properly acknowledging sources.
  1. Stealing. The term “stealing” is defined as the act of intentionally taking, appropriating, or transferring, without right or permission, the academic property of any individual, organization, or institution, either permanently or temporarily associated with the Rhodes community. The following are examples of what could be considered under the definition of stealing: 
  • Appropriating or obtaining access to files or any other electronically stored information without authorization of the owner of such files or information 
  • Taking papers, files, gradebooks, notes, past tests or exams or other academically-related information without the owner’s authorization 
  • Removal of or otherwise making unavailable any material from the Rhodes College library without permission 
  • Outside the academic context, stealing is the attempted or actual theft of services or property of the College, of a member of the College community, or other personal or public property.
  1. Violation by Guest. Any Honor Code/Standards of Conduct violation committed by a guest of a Rhodes College student, excluding prospective students registered through the Admissions Office, shall be the responsibility of their host.  Failure of a student host to reasonably supervise guest behavior, including behavior occurring in their residence hall rooms, behavior at student organization events, college-sponsored events, and behavior by off-campus guests.  
  2. Failure to Report. Intentional failure to report a violation is a violation of the Honor Code, as it undermines the Honor System and the Rhodes Community. Any student having knowledge of an Honor Code violation is obligated to report it to a member of the Honor Council, preferably to the President. The student may approach the respondent if the student so desires, or the student can simply report it to the Honor Council.

Lack of knowledge of these policies does not absolve responsibility for these violations.

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Article IV—Honor Council Hearing Procedures

SECTION 1. Investigation and Pre-Hearing

  1. Any member of the Rhodes community with knowledge of an Honor Code violation shall report it to a member of the Honor Council, preferably the President, or the OCS Administrator. The Complainant has the prerogative to approach the Respondent student and offer them the opportunity to report the alleged violation to the Honor Council. However, if the respondent fails to report the alleged violation, it is the duty of the person having knowledge of the alleged violation to report it to the Council in a timely manner.
  2. Upon receiving a report of a violation, the President of the Honor Council shall appoint a member of the Council to thoroughly investigate the reported violation. The Investigator shall interview the Complainant, any material witnesses, any expert witnesses (such as faculty members who may aid in investigation), and the Respondent and shall conduct such other investigations as is warranted by the circumstances.
  3. Any student identified as an active part of the investigation is required to comply with every part of the process.  Such students may not decline to participate in the process without good cause, as determined by the Honor Council President in consultation with the OCS Administrator. If a Respondent declines to participate in the process, the outcome will be determined without their input and they may be subject to disciplinary outcomes under the Rhodes Standards of Conduct.   
  4. Any Honor Council member involved in the investigation as an Investigator, Witness, or Complainant shall not be allowed to vote or deliberate in the hearing.
  5. The pre-hearing committee shall be composed of the Honor Council President, the two Secretaries, and the Investigator. If the President served as the Investigator, then the Vice President shall serve on the pre-hearing committee.  If a Secretary cannot meet, the Vice President may take the Secretary’s place.
  6. Once the investigation is complete, the Honor Council President shall call a meeting of the pre-hearing committee at which the Investigator shall present all information they have gathered concerning the alleged violation to the pre-hearing committee. After all the facts have been considered and the committee feels fully acquainted with the situation, the committee, excluding the Investigator, shall decide by a majority vote whether or not a hearing, further investigation, both, or a case dismissal is warranted. Additionally, the pre-hearing committee may decide if the case shall be transferred to another judicial body or the Rhodes College administration.
  7. If the pre-hearing committee decides that the evidence is sufficient to warrant a hearing, the President shall set a time of hearing and notify the Respondent (as outlined in Article IV, Section 2).

SECTION 2. Hearing Procedures Relating to the Respondent

  1. The Respondent shall be notified in writing that a complaint is to be taken to a formal hearing at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. This time period may be extended by the  President of the Honor Council, who may also grant an extension in the case of other extenuating circumstances.
  2. When notice of the hearing is served, the Respondent shall receive a case packet identifying the nature of the alleged violation, the name(s) of the individual(s) reporting the alleged violation to the Council, the time and place of its alleged occurrence, a summary of any interviews conducted by the Investigator, and any documentary evidence to be considered by the Council at the hearing. The respondent will also receive a written list of hearing procedures as outlined in this article.
  3. The Respondent shall choose an Advisor from the members of the Honor Council, excluding the President, the Vice President when serving as President, the two Secretaries, and the Investigator. Should the Vice President be selected, the President shall assume the Vice President’s duties. If the respondent does not choose an Advisor within 24 hours of notice, the President shall appoint an Advisor for the Respondent. The Advisor’s role is limited to informing the Respondent concerning Honor Council procedures and answering any questions about those procedures. The Advisor is foremost a member of the Honor Council and does not represent the Respondent. The Advisor shall not be present during Council deliberations and shall not vote on the disposition of the case.
  4. The Respondent shall be required to meet with the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council prior to the hearing. 
  5. If the Respondent believes that any member of the Honor Council has a conflict of interest or bias that would prevent them from being fair and impartial, the Respondent shall inform either their Advisor or the OCS Administrator in writing no later than 48 hours before any scheduled hearing.  Any objections of this nature not presented less than 48 hours before the hearing shall be deemed waived.
  6. The Respondent shall be allowed to hear all evidence presented in the hearing, but the Respondent shall not be present during Council deliberations. The Respondent may offer such proof as is relevant and material, as determined by the Honor Council President, to any issue coming before the Honor Council for decision in their hearing, including, without limitation, the introduction of documentary evidence, the calling of witnesses with relevant knowledge and the questioning of the Honor Council witnesses. All evidence and a complete list of witnesses shall be submitted by the Respondent to the Investigator least 24 hours before the hearing. The Honor Council reserves the right to postpone the time of the hearing to properly evaluate any new evidence submitted after the prehearing committee has met. The Respondent shall be responsible for securing the appearance of their witnesses at the hearing.  Evidence submitted less than 24 hours prior to the hearing will not be considered absent good cause, as determined by the Honor Council President.
  7. All participants in the hearing process is required to keep the matter under consideration confidential. The Respondent may consult with a chosen faculty member, family members, counselors or their attorney.
  8. The Council may find the Respondent “Responsible” of the Honor Code only upon a preponderance of the evidence. Under this standard, a violation has occurred if it is more likely than not (greater than a 50% chance) that a violation of the Honor Code occurred. 
  9. The Respondent may be found “Responsible” of the Honor Code only for the violation(s) which is the subject of the hearing.
  10. If the Respondent fails to participate in the hearing process, the Council may continue with the hearing procedures. In such a case, the Council shall assume a claim of “Not Responsible” on the part of the Respondent and shall assume that the Respondent presents no defense.
  11. In cases in which two or more students are respondents of a joint violation, the Council may conduct one hearing for the joint violation but shall arrive at an independent decision for each respondent.
  12. If found “Responsible” of the Honor Code, the Respondent may call for an appeal of the Council’s decision and/or outcome by the members of the Faculty Appeals Committee. The Respondent must request the appeal in writing within four business days of the receipt of the Council’s written decision, and the Respondent must indicate the specific ground(s) upon which they are basing their request for an appeal (see Article IV, Section 5 for the grounds upon which an appeal may be requested).

SECTION 3. Hearing Procedures

  1. The procedures for conducting an Honor Council hearing shall be as follows:
  2. The President of the Honor Council shall preside. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside. 
  3. The Council must act with complete impartiality. Any Council member who believes that their participation in any aspect of the investigation or hearing process constitutes a conflict of interest must report the potential conflict of interest to the Honor Council President, who shall decide whether that member should recuse himself or herself.
  4. An audio recording of the hearing shall be made, and the Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings. Deliberations of the Council shall be absolutely private, and no record of the deliberations shall be made.
  5. The Complainant, Respondent, and the Respondents Advisor may observe all evidence presented during the hearing but shall not be present for Council deliberations. Witnesses may be present at the hearing only to give their own testimony. The Investigator may be present during both the hearing and deliberations, but the Investigator’s participation in deliberations shall be limited to the clarification of facts; the Investigator may not deliberate or vote. No other persons may be present during the hearing. Disruptive behavior on the part of anyone present shall result in immediate and permanent removal from the hearing.
  6. The hearing shall be conducted under the Oath of Privacy, and the Complainant, Council members and witnesses shall take the following Oath of Privacy: “On my honor, I agree to respect the sensitive nature of these proceedings by keeping them confidential.”
  7. Every person who testifies at the hearing shall take the following Oath of Truth: “On my honor, I do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
  8. The Council may call witnesses relevant to the case. The Respondent may present additional witnesses with relevant knowledge and present any other relevant information.  The President shall decide questions concerning the relevance and/or admissibility of witnesses or evidence. The Respondent shall not be required to make an opening and/or closing statement or answer questions unless he or she wishes to do so.
  9. Questions asked during the hearing by members of the Council, the Respondent and the Complainant should be relevant, understandable and civil.  The President shall have the discretion to ask that a question be rephrased or order it withdrawn if it does not meet the standards of this paragraph.
  10. Legal counsel retained by a Respondent student or any other person participating in the hearing shall not attend any hearing of the Honor Council. Any advice or assistance requested of legal counsel by a student must be obtained prior to the hearing.
  11. The Respondent shall be considered "Not Responsible" throughout the course of the hearing unless and until the Respondent has been found "Responsible" of the Honor Code by a preponderance of the evidence.  
  12. The Council's finding of "Responsible" or "Not Responsible" shall be based only on the merits and facts of the case at hand. 
  13. If after all available evidence has been heard and a motion to vote on “Responsible" or "Not Responsible" of the Honor Code has been properly moved and seconded, two-thirds of the members of the Council present at the hearing and entitled to vote may find the Respondent “Responsible”. Otherwise, the Respondent shall be found “Not Responsible” and the case shall be dismissed.
  14. A quorum for an Honor Council hearing shall be determined as follows:
  15. Fifty percent (50%) of the eligible voting members shall constitute a quorum for hearing of alleged violations. There must be a minimum of 4 voting members in every hearing. The Honor Council shall render no decision without the presence of a quorum.
  16. If, for any reason, a quorum cannot be achieved, the Respondent may agree to one of the following options:
  17. To proceed with the hearing with less than a quorum; or
  18. To postpone the hearing for a reasonable period of time (to be determined at the discretion of the President of the Honor Council and the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council or designee) until a quorum of regular Honor Council members can be established.

SECTION 4. Outcomes

  1. Outcomes of an Honor Code violation shall be determined by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Council present at the hearing and entitled to vote. 
  2. When determining outcomes for an individual found in violation of the Honor Code, the following criteria shall be considered along with any other factors determined by the Council to be relevant:
  3. The Honor Council’s responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of the Honor Code for the Rhodes College community.
  4. The nature and severity of the offense.
  5. The ability of the Respondent to reenter campus life under the Honor System.
  6. A determination, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Respondent has lied during the investigation or hearing processes.
  7. The level of cooperation of the Respondent during the investigation or hearing processes. 
  8. The probationary status, previous discipline, or any past suspensions of the Respondent. These shall be considered only when determining outcomes, and the President shall notify the Council of the Respondent’s disciplinary history only after the Council, by proper vote, has found the Respondent “Responsible.” The probationary status, previous discipline, or any past suspensions of the Respondent should cast extreme doubt on the ability of the Respondent to reenter campus life under the Rhodes College Honor System.

The following outcomes may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Honor Code:

  1. Academic recommendations: Including but not limited to failure in the related course or on the related assignment.  NOTE: Academic recommendations are subject to the final approval of the professor of the course.  The professors may accept or modify the recommendation of the Honor Council.  
  2. Warning: This outcome will be used in cases in which the Honor Council determines that the appropriate lesson has been learned and concludes the matter with a formal letter of warning.
  3. Disciplinary Probation: A written notification for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary outcomes, including suspension or expulsion, if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.  Students on disciplinary probation are considered not in good social standing with the College.  Good standing may be required for participation in certain campus activities. In addition, students not in good standing may have their conduct reviewed for leadership or employment positions on campus.
  4. Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
  5. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service to the College and/or monetary or material replacement.
  6. Discretionary Outcomes: Work assignments, service to the College, education, referral to counseling, follow-up meetings, required behavioral assessment, or other related discretionary assignments (such assignments shall have the approval of the OCS Administrator or their designee).
  7. Residence Hall Suspension: Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  8. Residence Hall Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the residence halls.
  9. College Suspension: Separation of the student from Rhodes College for one, two or three semesters, after which the student is eligible to return. If the violation is an academic matter, the student shall receive an “F” in the particular class(es) related to the offense and may receive a “W” in all other classes. A student placed on suspension from the College as a result of a conduct outcome is not permitted on campus without permission from the Office of Community Standards, or their designee.
  10. College Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from Rhodes College. If the violation is an academic matter, the student shall receive an “F” in the particular class(es) related to the offense and may receive a “W” in all other classes.  A student expelled from the College as a result of a conduct outcome is not permitted on campus without permission from the Office of Community Standards, or their designee.

More than one of the outcomes listed above may be imposed for any single violation. 

Failure to adhere to any outcome imposed may result in the individual being brought back before the Honor Council for consideration of further outcomes.

Disciplinary Outcomes shall not be made part of the student’s permanent academic record but shall become part of the student’s confidential record.

Each year, the Secretaries may, in the discretion of the President, and in consultation with the OCS Administrator, post a list of charges and Council decisions with names omitted.

SECTION 5. Appeals

  1. A decision reached by the Honor Council or a outcome imposed by the Council may be appealed by the Respondent or two or more Honor Council members to the Faculty Appeals Committee. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the OCS Administrator within four business days of the decision. The appellant(s) must indicate or list the specific grounds upon which they are basing their request. Once the appellant(s) submit their appeal, the Honor Council President will write a response to the appeal to be submitted to the Faculty Appeals Committee. 
  2. An appeal shall be limited to one or more of the following grounds:
  3. The hearing procedure was not followed. 
  4. The outcomes imposed were inappropriate for the violation of College policy.
  5. New and relevant information, sufficient to alter the decision, that was unknown or unavailable to the appellant at the time of the original hearing.
  6. At an appeal hearing by the Faculty Appeals Committee, only the following people may be present: the Faculty Appeals Committee, the President of the Honor Council, an Honor Council representative chosen by the President, the Respondent, the Student Advisor to the Respondent, the Honor Council appellants (in the case that the Respondent is not the appellant) and the OCS Administrator for the Honor Council. If the Respondent chooses not testify at the appeal hearing, they may send a written statement of their testimony.  An audio recording of the appeal hearing shall be made.
  7. Legal counsel retained by a Respondent student or any other person participating in the appeal hearing shall not attend any hearing of the Faculty Appeals Committee. Any advice or assistance requested of legal counsel by a student must be obtained prior to the hearing.
  8. The Chair of the Faculty Appeals Committee or designee shall preside and decide all questions relating to conduct of the proceedings including, without limitation, the admissibility of evidence. Committee members may ask questions subject to the approval of the Chair. The Faculty Appeals Committee shall then retire to deliberate in closed session. The Faculty Appeals Committee shall either sustain the decision of the Honor Council or return the case to the Honor Council for reconsideration with remarks and suggestions.

SECTION 6. Reconsideration of Council’s Decision

If a case is returned to the Honor Council by the Faculty Appeals Committee, the Honor Council shall reconsider the case as soon as practical after the notification of its return. A quorum for reconsideration shall consist of at least three-fourths of the voting members present at the original hearing. During a reconsideration, the Honor Council shall consider the remarks and suggestions of the Faculty Appeals Committee, recall any witnesses, the Complainant or the Respondent if deemed necessary for the clarification of facts, and either sustain the original decision and/or outcome or render a new decision and/or outcome based on the procedures outlined in Article IV. 

A reconsideration of the outcome(s) imposed may not result in a more severe outcome for the Respondent. The second decision of the Honor Council shall be final.

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Article V—Interpretation and Revision

The Honor Council may adopt new rules and/or amend its Standing Rules. Consistent with the Constitution, the Standing Rules are the procedures the Council deems necessary to ensure the effective execution of its duties.

This Constitution may be amended by the following procedure:

  1. Proposed amendments must be approved by two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Honor Council and by the President of Rhodes College.
  2. Proposed amendments shall be publicly announced at least seven days prior to the referendum.
  3. To be adopted, amendments must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the student body voting in a referendum called for that purpose.
  4. Amendments shall become effective immediately when the above steps are completed and communicated to the student body. 

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