A downloadable PDF of the handbook is currently being updated.


Rhodes permits twenty-four hour visitation if the Student first secures the verbal approval of his or her roommate(s) and/or suite-mate(s) before the arrival of any visitors.    

A roommate's right to free access to the room/apartment at all times, privacy, study time, or sleep must not be deprived because of a guest. Any student wishing to entertain a guest, whether of the same or opposite sex, must have the permission of the roommate(s). The College does not allow cohabitation and cannot ignore any infraction of this policy that comes to its attention. Cohabitation is defined as a guest spending the night more than three consecutive nights. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action. Guests are expected to remain under the auspices of the host student and the host bears the responsibility for the guest's behavior in compliance with campus policy. Host responsibilities for a guest should not be transferred from one student to another. When it appears that guests have been abandoned, they will be asked to leave the campus. Guests are not permitted during finals and senior week.