A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is available at College Employee Handbook.

Scheduling and Events

College Events Office. The Events Management System is the responsibility of the Manager of Campus Scheduling who acts as the Facilities Administrator for Rhodes. Any questions concerning the system should be directed to the College Events Office, 901-843-3888.

How to Reserve Space.

On-Campus Requests. Requests by on-campus groups/individuals for the use of campus facilities throughout the calendar year must be initiated by completing a space reservation request on the Events Management System. Booking instructions are available on the College Events webpage.

For personal use of College facilities, see Fees for Space and Service.

Off-Campus Requests. Requests should be initiated with the College Events Office, 901-843-3888.

Not-For-Profit Space Requests. Not-for-profit groups are normally offered discounted rental rates for space. Requests may be made up to six months in advance of the proposed event date. On a space available basis and for appropriate purposes, recognized not-for-profit organizations may request special permission for use of Rhodes facilities without rental fees. However, if approved, groups are responsible for actual costs incurred for special services, housekeeping and campus safety.

Contractual Use of Campus Facilities. Rental of campus facilities is contracted through the College Events Office. Off-campus organizations may contract for facility use if the use is consistent with the purposes of the College and there is written agreement as to the specific use of the facilities, dates, times, anticipated numbers and fees. Any contract with an off-campus group for regular extended use during the academic year will contain a caveat that an occasional substitution of rooms may be necessary if a conflict for use of space arises because of academic need. In all such instances, academic needs of the College have priority. The College reserves the right to substitute rooms if necessary.

A group contracting for the use of Rhodes facilities for a public event must include in any printed materials or advertisements the statement: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by Rhodes College. This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.”

Special note: Non-Rhodes events are required to carry adequate liability insurance.

Fees For Space and Service. The College does not charge Rhodes student groups, faculty or staff for their official use of College facilities. Individuals or groups outside their official capacity who request special services from such departments as Maintenance, Housekeeping, Housing, Campus Safety, Rhodes Dining Services, Information Technology Services, or the Meeman Center will be charged a rental fee and are expected to cover the costs for any additional expenses incurred by the College. Groups who wish to use space on campus should contact the College Events Office for fee information (901-843-3888). While the College does not rent space indiscriminately to all who request, the College is willing to rent its facilities to organizations whose purposes are consistent with the purposes of the College.

Special note: Non-Rhodes events are required to carry adequate liability insurance.