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Prescription Drug Plan

The Rhodes Prescription Drug Plan is part of the Medical Benefit Plan. Therefore, all full-time employees who participate in the College’s Medical Benefit Plan are eligible to participate in the Prescription Drug Plan. Eligible employees and retirees may obtain prescription drugs at a negotiated price for themselves and their eligible dependents from any participating pharmacy.

Express Scripts, Inc. has a network of pharmacies that participate in our plan. The preferred pharmacies can identify covered persons and the Plan’s coverage provisions. To find out which pharmacies participate, contact Express Scripts, Inc. at 1-800-451-6245.

The covered person must purchase the prescription drugs through a participating pharmacy or the mail order option.

Prescription Drugs – Express Scripts Participating Pharmacy

Retail Store

Generic $10
Name brand formulary $30
Name brand non-formulary $50 or 50% (whichever is greater)


Mail Order Program (90 day supply per prescription)

Generic $20 Generic
Name brand formulary $60
Name brand non-formulary $90