Individual room keys will be issued to each resident student by the Office Residence Life upon arrival on campus. Students will have access to the outside doors of residence halls via electronic key fob. It is the responsibility of each student to protect all other students by taking care neither to lose residence hall keys and key fobs nor lend them to others. Lost keys and fobs should be reported to Campus Safety. A new fob and room key can be requested via the campus work order system. Residents must return keys to the Residence Life Office when leaving campus or at the end of the year. Students who fail to report a lost or stolen key are jeopardizing the safety and security of their fellow students. The cost for a replacement key fob is $25 Lost or unreturned keys will result in a $10 charge. Students are to keep their key fob unless they withdraw or graduate from the College.
Due to the serious compromise to the security of all residents, exterior doors should never be propped. A $50 fine and a possible referral to the Office of Community Standards for individuals found violating this policy.
In the interest of personal security, residence hall rooms must always be locked. Room keys and access devices (key fobs) are NOT to be duplicated under any circumstances. All keys must be turned in to the Office of Residence Life during room check-out. The student may not lend their residence hall keys to anyone at any time (whether a student or non-student). The College will issue replacement keys if the Student loses their residence hall key only after paying the $20 replacement fee. The College reserves the right to assess the cost of changing locks depending on the circumstances involved with lost keys.