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Interim Suspension

An interim suspension is an immediate temporary restriction from the College. An interim suspension may be implemented when a student, RSO, or AG whose alleged violation of the Standards of Conduct/Honor Code indicates that there may be a perceived threat to themselves, to others, or to College property.

Conditions may include, but are not limited to, restriction from College premises, participation in academic and/or social endeavors, and college-related activities. 

Interim suspensions will be expedited through the Community Standards process.  An interim suspension may be imposed at the discretion of the Vice President for Student Life, or their designee.  

  • A student under interim suspension is immediately removed from the Rhodes College community; they may not attend classes, reside in the residence halls, be present on Rhodes College property, or attend Rhodes College sponsored events/activities. 
  • A Registered student organization or Affinity group under interim suspension will be temporarily restricted from operating as an organization/group, including but not limited to, publicizing and hosting events, recruiting, meeting, representing the organization/group. 

An interim suspension will end at the conclusion of the conduct proceedings.  An interim suspension should not be confused with a disciplinary suspension, which is one possible outcome of the disciplinary proceedings.