A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is currently being updated.

Extreme Weather

Rhodes′ extreme weather policy provides for making a decision to close or to delay opening the College when weather conditions warrant. There are two specific provisions for communicating that decision to all students, faculty and staff. These procedures will be used only if Rhodes closes or if its schedule is altered. If the College is closed or opening is delayed, all Physical Plant and Campus Safety personnel should contact their supervisors for information about their schedules.

  1. An email and text message will be sent to your cell phone and email address.
  2. Closing or altered schedule information will be posted to the Rhodes College webpage.

In the absence of an official decision by the College to close, delay opening or accelerate closing of the campus due to inclement weather, employees are expected to work as scheduled unless they are concerned that such weather presents a danger to them under their personal circumstances. Staff employees who are unable to work on any day that the campus is open will be charged one (1) full day of vacation or, if they have no vacation available, will take the day unpaid. All employees who are unable to report to work, whether remotely or on campus, because of inclement weather should contact their department supervisor prior to the start of their work day or as soon as possible.