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Mandatory Reporting

In order to protect our students, all Rhodes employees (except confidential resources as defined below) are required to report to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator any information that comes into their possession that would indicate that a student has been subjected to any type of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence, or other sexual misconduct such as sexual exploitation or coercion, regardless of where it occurred. The College Chaplain and any licensed member of the Counseling Center staff and any Health Services staff are considered “confidential resources” and are not considered mandatory reporters for purposes of this policy. Student employees are also not considered mandatory reporters under this policy.

The mandatory reporter must provide all reported information, including the name of the potential victim, the name of the accused individual, and other identifying details about witnesses, location, etc. While Rhodes will attempt to maintain the confidentiality of the information, if requested, the mandatory reporter has no right to confidentiality from the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinators or to withhold information that may assist Rhodes in its investigation and potential remediation of the incident. A mandatory reporter who fails to properly report an incident involving a student may receive disciplinary action up to and including termination from Rhodes.

If the disclosing individual expresses reservations about sharing information s/he would prefer to keep confidential, the mandatory reporter should refer the disclosing individual to Rhodes’ Confidential Resources at the Counseling Center, Health Services or the College Chaplain. No employee (other than the Confidential Resources) can or should promise confidentiality.

Mandatory reporters may assist disclosing individuals with contacting Campus Safety, law enforcement, or other people or resources at the request of the disclosing individual.

For more information, please refer to Rhodes’ Title IX Policy, available at http://sites.rhodes.edu/titlenine/.

Mandatory reporters also have duties, pursuant to the Clery Act, to report to Campus Safety other crimes or incidents not involving sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct. When in doubt, the Title IX Coordinator can facilitate such reports if requested.