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The Educational Program Committee

Membership. Five faculty members (one elected by each curriculum division, plus one elected at-large, 3-year terms); one student (member of the junior and/or senior classes, elected annually by the Student Senate); ex officio (non-voting): designated representative of the Office of Academic Affairs and Registrar.

Expected Involvement. Biweekly meetings are scheduled throughout the academic year. Ad hoc subcommittees may be established as needed.


  • Recommend to the Faculty general academic policies.
  • Review and approve significant changes to requirements for existing educational programs and degrees, including majors, minors, certificates, credentials, Maymesters and other off-site programming, and master’s degrees.
  • Request and review proposals or plans from Academic Affairs and make recommendations regarding the closure or combination of educational programs and degrees, including majors, minors, certificates, credentials, Maymesters, other off-site programming, and master’s degrees.
  • Make recommendations to the Faculty about the creation of new educational programs and degrees, including majors, minors, certificates, credentials, Maymesters and other off-site programming, and master’s degrees.
  • Review and approve student proposals for self-designed interdisciplinary majors.
  • Review Buckman International Curriculum Grants and make recommendations about these grants to the Buckman Center for International Education.
  • Report to the Office of Academic Affairs each year about one or more aspects of the educational program beyond the Foundations Curriculum.
    • The committee will consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the council of chairs to determine which aspects of the curriculum it will undertake to review each year
    • Aspects of the educational program to be examined include, but are not limited to:
      • writing instruction
      • oral communication instruction
      • internship programs
      • senior seminars
      • preparing students for graduate and professional study
      • interdisciplinary study
      • study abroad
      • co-curricular and fellowship activities
      • These reviews will be based on information gathered from department and program chairs, from the Registrar’s Office, from the Office of Institutional Research, and from other offices of the College (e.g., career counseling, study abroad) as needed
      • Reviews will include:
        • a descriptive report of how the departments and programs vary in their implementation of these aspects of the curriculum;
        • an assessment of our overall effectiveness in meeting learning outcomes in these areas; and
        • a set of recommendations for continued progress in these areas
        • Oversee the Hill Presidential Initiative Grants.
          • Establish curricular priorities for proposals, based on the assessment work of this committee (described above) and on consultations with the Foundations Curriculum Committee
          • Review applications
          • Recommend to the Office of Academic Affairs grant awards
        • Review Buckman International Curriculum Grants and make recommendations about these grants to the Buckman Center for International Education.