A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is available at College Employee Handbook.

The Faculty Committee on Standards and Standings

Membership. Five faculty members (one elected by each of the four curriculum divisions, plus one elected at-large, 3-year terms; two should be tenured); ex officio Associate Dean of Students for Student Academic Support (voting); Director of Academic and Learning Resources; Registrar.


  • Act on individual requests for substitutions for or waivers of degree requirements;
  • Act on individual requests for variation from academic policy;
  • Evaluate college-level equivalence requests;
  • Recommend policies and guidelines for academic probation, suspension, or leave of absence;
  • Consider cases of academic probation, suspension, or leave or absence;
  • Exercise oversight of and recommend changes in admissions standards and policy;
  • Act on applications for readmission;
  • Recommend requirements for eligibility for a degree;
  • Recommend guidelines for determining “reasonable progress towards a degree,” including policy on course sequencing, course load limits, and definition of “acceptable academic work”;
  • Recommend policies regarding grades, their meaning, and their use in determining grade point averages;
  • Recommend policies for degrees with academic achievement and with honors.
  • Serve as the Institutional Review Panel in cases involving appeals of awards of the Tennessee Hope Scholarships

Expected Involvement. Meetings are called by the Chair as needed. Ad Hoc subcommittees may be established as needed.