A downloadable PDF version of the handbook is available at College Employee Handbook.

The Faculty Professional Interests Committee

Membership. Five faculty members (one elected by each of the four curriculum divisions plus one elected at-large, 3-year terms, non-successive).


  • Advise the Faculty, on matters affecting the welfare of the Faculty as a whole and specifically on policies relating to conditions of employment, such as faculty remuneration, evaluation, tenure, promotion, and retirement;
  • Serve as a watchdog committee for the maintenance of academic freedom, high standards of professional faculty conduct, and high standards of the academic program.
  • Monitor the Bias Education Reporting System as it relates to faculty and faculty professional interests.
  • Each year choose one member of the committee, preferably with tenure, to serve as a representative on the Campus Climate Team.

Expected Involvement. Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.