A downloadable PDF of the handbook is currently being updated.

Information Services

Information Services is located in Barret Library. Technology resources include cloud file storage, network printing, e-mail, computer labs, classroom AV, and internet access throughout campus.

Students are given network user accounts after enrolling. These accounts are for use in work related to the user’s role at Rhodes. Through a network user account, students have secure access to e-mail, cloud file storage, and printing. Students are responsible for all activities associated with their network user account.

Information Desk. Please refer technology-related questions or problems to the Information Desk at (901)843-3890 or by e-mail at help@rhodes.edu.

Printers. Print release stations (aka "PrintHubs") are located throughout Barret Library and many other buildings on campus. Students are allocated $100.00 credit of free printing on August 1. Printing is charged at a rate of $.10 per page for black and white and $.25 per page for color.

Network Services. The use of the network is a privilege, which may temporarily be revoked at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct includes but is not limited to the placing of unlawful information on a system, the use of objectionable language, running unauthorized servers, unaddressed virus or malware infections, and any other type of use that would cause congestion or security risk of the network or otherwise interfere with the work of others. It is a violation of the college policy to assume the identity of others in e-mail and other network communication.

Misuse of Computer Resources. The college assumes that individuals will treat all of the facilities with respect and consideration for other users. Computers are available on a first come, first served basis. If a problem is discovered with Rhodes College computer equipment, it should be reported immediately to the Information Desk. Students are expected to abide by the rules of usage as posted in the labs.

Residence Hall Network. All residence halls have WiFi service available throughout the building. Students are not to tamper with wireless access points. Damage to access points will result in fines being charged to students and/or to all of the students on the entire floor. To minimize interference, students should not use wireless printers in their dorm rooms. Printers should have the wireless feature turned off and a wired connection to their computer (e.g. via USB) used instead.

IDs and Passwords. We want to protect the privacy and security of your personal information and resource access at Rhodes. It is a violation to post a public image of your Rhodes ID card or share your network password with anyone. If you believe that your password has been compromised, please contact help@rhodes.edu to have your password reset. We also require that all students, faculty, and staff use multi-factor authentication to validate password submission, providing a second layer of protection to your account credentials.

Misuse of Internet Resources. In keeping with Rhodes' tradition of student self-governance, students are expected to use the network in ways consistent with codes of conduct established in the Honor Code, Standards of Conduct, and policies of the Rhodes Community.

Violations. Violation of any portion of the Computer Usage Policies will result in suspension of one’s privileges for use of Rhodes computers and information technology services until the appropriate Vice President or Dean approves reauthorization of access to equipment and services, in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed under other College rules, such as the Honor Code or Standards of Conduct. Users must not conceal or help to conceal or “cover up” violations by any party. Users are expected to report any evidence of actual or suspected violation of these policies to the Vice President for Student and Information Services. 

Rhodes College is authorized to investigate alleged or apparent violations of college policy or applicable law using whatever means appropriate. Rhodes reserves the right to monitor use of Rhodes computers and to access, inspect and/or download any and all information stored on Rhodes computers in the course of such investigation. Information Services is authorized by the college to investigate policy violations and apply reduction or elimination of access privileges while the matter is under review and/or as a penalty for violations. These sanctions may apply to computing accounts, networks, college administered computing rooms, and other services or facilities. A college user accused of a violation will be notified of the charge and will have an opportunity to respond to the college disciplinary body appropriate to the violator’s status before a final determination of any penalty.